Part of my personality is to be a loyal person. I'm loyal to my grocery store, my alma maters, my former company and my Broncos--even when they lost 2 Superbowls in a row and even before that when they were put down by every sportcaster in a state other than Colorado. I'm loyal to my friends, my family, and ultimately to God. I'm not saying I'm perfect or always faithful, but loyalty seems to be an upholding, allegiance, and pride.
So, what about loyalty to one's church family? Our church recently changed our mission statement and vision--and I'm REALLY excited about it. For once in my 25+ years of being a Christian, I'm letting the Holy Spirit challenge me in some new ways. So, why are some people leaving? There isn't any heresy. It's all biblical. Some may be leaving because of changes in music or they just can't get past the comfortable way we've always done church...but it just seems disloyal. If we are the body...then when people leave its like an amputation...sure its not like they aren't part of the greater body, but it leaves a hole. Sometimes the hole is mainly emotional, but it really gives me an uneasy feeling. And I'm not sure that I want that to go away. We don't leave family...even when they do things to hurt us...or we have a disagreement...or we just don't "like" something about them.
(Thanks to Roger for the amputation analogy)