Sunday, April 02, 2006

?Porque tengo miedo?

Today I was talking to Adriana...she and her husband and daughter are here from Costa Rica. For some reason, I was afraid to speak Spanish to her. I've known Spanish for a long time...I have good pronunciation (gracias Sr. Cordova) and still have a decent vocabulary considering I haven't been in class for --gulp--10 years. Now I wish I could do it over again. Then I'd tell her, "Me encanta hablar en espanol. Ojala que pense en la lengua como en el pasado. Los oidos de espanol son dulces. Mi cerebro quiere recordar todo que ha aprendo. Quiero ir a visitarse en Costa Rica y mirar todo que Dios esta trabajando alli." Ok, maybe I wouldn't say that, but it would have felt good to feel it roll off my tongue for a few minutes.


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