Sunday, October 07, 2007


This video came out yesterday, and I was excited enough about it that I decided not to wait until Christmas. We pulled it out and watched soon after I arrived home.

:) It was so much fun! Written by Phil Vischer, the original top tomato, it was a fun parody and wonderful way to tell the story of the Prodigal Son. Perhaps I'm wrong, but besides An Easter Carol, it is one of the first to mention Jesus specifically. It was done nicely, and the end made me cry!

My favorite minor character is a toad from Ireland. And I really liked the tinman's escape reminded me of MacGyver. At one point, bonus features were mentioned...and we were wondering if they had been listening in at our house since my daughter wanted to watch the Bonus Features before the actual show.

The silly song is definitely silly. But I think the version of Mr. Lunt singing Over the Rainbow is even better....find that in the Bonus Features.

Thanks to all who worked on this video!
Whether you have kids or clean, uplifting entertainment companies like Big Idea. We need more of them out there.

Now...only a couple more months til the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything movie!!!!


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