Saturday, February 04, 2012

Hanging with Solomon

“Meaningless! Meaningless!”
says the Teacher.
“Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless.” Ecclesiastes 1:2

Lately I’m been hanging out with Solomon. Despite the fact that I have an amazing husband and wonderful kids, despite the fact we are all in good health and live well in a warm home with plenty of food, despite the fact that I’m living the “American Dream”, I’m discontent. All of this feels meaningless.

I know I’m not supposed to say that. When so many people long for the things I have, I am not supposed to be discontent with my life. Call it a mid-life crisis if you like. All I know if that I want much more than this.

Many years ago, Paul Barnes, our pastor at the time, did a sermon series on Ecclesiastes. He mentioned that Solomon was looking at things from an “under the sun” perspective. When we look from God’s perspective there is meaning and purpose to our lives. And today it hit me that I haven’t been looking at things the right way.

You see, I’ve been concentrating on my own brokenness. While Jesus says on the Sermon on the Mount “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted”, I wasn’t letting Him comfort me as I mourned over my sinful nature. I was stuck.  I might still be stuck, but I’m hoping that I am changing perspective. 

My life may look small “under the sun”. But God’s plans for me are worth doing and doing with passion and humility. Whether its sweeping the back of the church or serving Him in some more noticeable capacity, there is meaning in my being here and being used by Him for whatever He might allow me to do.


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